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Language Highlight

About 359 wordsAbout 1 min


Supported Languages

DIDE currently supports the following languages for syntax highlighting:

HDLverilogVerilog hardware description language
systemverilogSystemVerilog hardware description language
VHDLVHDL hardware description language
TCLxdcXilinx design constraint files
sdcSynopsys design constraint files
fdcFPGA design constraint files (including xdc, sdc, and fdc)
OtherysYosys synthesis script files

About Color Theme

In Vscode, the specific colors for syntax highlighting are defined by the Color Theme. The default theme in Vscode is Dark+, but we also use the One Dark Pro theme in our demonstration. These two themes, along with their corresponding light themes (Light+ and Atom One Light), are the main color schemes we currently support. The One Dark Pro theme is fresh and ideal for those who value aesthetics, while the default Dark+ theme is more standard and has a good contrast, making it suitable for developers who engage in long hours of intensive coding.

In addition to basic syntax highlighting, DIDE’s other features, such as documentation, VCD viewer, and netlist UI, all fully support the user’s selected Vscode theme color. There’s a theme for every taste—feel free to try out the one you like best!

Color display

Dark+ color display

One Dark Pro color display

Light+ color display

Atom One Light color display

About our support for other color themes

Since the highlighting feature is highly customized, support for this feature will not be prioritized except for commercial orders. However, recommended highlighting themes will be provided to enhance the coding experience for users.

Suggested theme configurations: