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Install from Vscode

Search for “Digital IDE” in the Vscode plugin store and click download.

Note: This plugin is ready to use immediately after download, with no additional setup required. However, if third-party tools (e.g., Vivado, Icarus Verilog, etc.) are needed, you will need to install the respective software independently.

Online Installation of LSP (Automatic)

After the download is complete, if there are any HDL files (ending with .v, .sv, or .vhd) in your current directory, DIDE will start automatically. If it's the first time the current version of DIDE is being launched on the target machine, it will automatically download digital-lsp during startup, as shown in the image below:

This is the core load that DIDE uses to parse HDL files and provide language services. Without it, most of DIDE's functionalities will be offline. We provide both domestic and international download sources, and theoretically, most regions should be able to download digital-lsp in a stable and smooth manner.

Online Installation of LSP (Manual)

The main version of the digital LSP may not always be synchronized with DIDE. If you'd like to experience the latest version of digital LSP for the same version (e.g., 0.4.0), you can download it manually. Open VSCode, press F1, type download, and find the command shown in the image below:

This will download the latest digital LSP and deploy it into DIDE.

Offline Installation of LSP (Manual)

If your environment is behind a corporate network or otherwise cannot access the internet, you will need to download the LSP offline. First, download the corresponding version of the LSP from the repository based on your target machine's operating system and architecture. We provide two repository sources, and we ensure that both repositories are synchronized:

  • Github:{版本}
  • Gitee:{版本}

For example, if your target machine is an x86 Windows (common for domestic workstations), you should choose the compressed file that contains windows and amd64 for download:

After copying to the target machine, press F1, type install, and then select the following command from the list:

In the opened file browser, locate the previously downloaded and copied compressed package to install it. After installation, restart vscode to complete the process.


If you encounter any issues, feel free to join our QQ group (932987873) to consult with us.

Install the Latest Beta Version

Thanks to the continuous efforts of our team, DIDE is constantly being updated. The version available in the Vscode marketplace may differ significantly from our latest version. If you would like to use the latest beta version of our plugin, you can join our QQ discussion group (932987873). In the group files, search for fpga-support, click "More," and select the latest version (the one at the top) to download.

Install VSIX

After downloading the VSIX file, follow these steps to install it: